‘Holiday of a Lifetime’ provides holidays for underprivileged, deserving children that they would not, in normal circumstances, ever dream of having. The children may be disabled, have special needs or be orphans, from low income families, special schools or children’s homes. Normally they are aged between 10 and 13. They are chosen because it is believed that they will get some special measure of benefit from the holiday.

Each year a different area of the UK is selected to receive this gift, the Local ‘Royal Antediluvian Order Of Buffaloes’(RAOB) make the arrangements to get them as far as the airport and we Cyprus ‘Buffs’ take over from there. We provide an all expenses paid holiday for the 10 children and their adult accompaniment until their return to the UK. .

The money to do this comes entirely from donations and every penny that is donated goes to providing for the children. The organizing ‘Buffs’ here in Cyprus (see the ‘Our Staff’ page) and those in the UK, give all of their time, their energy and their expertise free of charge, there are absolutely NO administration costs. We are also very lucky to have some wonderful sponsors here and in the UK who give so very much in the way of discounted prices and free gifts (these can be found on your lower left.)