As you know H.O.A.L.T 2019 was the last time before Covid 2020 that was had the pleasure of bringing children and their carers to Cyprus. We are hoping that 2022 will be a better year for us all and provide a Holiday of a Life Time for two parties if we can.
We would like to take the opportunity to invite Provinces and Organizations from UK to submit possible candidates for this on-going opportunity to benefit under privileged children for a holiday of a life time. The Committee of H.O.A.L.T. would appreciate if you could forward this request to the secretary of HOALT for applications for 2023 .
The H.O.A.L.T. committee have discussed and agreed the following criteria, as a guide for HOALT 2023.
Age between 8 – 13 yrs
Preferably non passport holders/first time aboard.
10 children and adults required to look after the children during the holiday(numbers to be agreed).
Ideally all from 1 area and the area is willing to help with some of the administration and hopefully assist in fund raising.
Looking for under privileged children, who will benefit from the opportunity.
Dates for holiday between May and June 2023 for 10 – 14 days.
Applications from interested parties to be submitted by the end of September 2022
I would ask for all initial applications to be sent to myself at
Best regards
Ross Thomson K.O.M (H.O.A.L.T Secretary)
Welcome to our website we hope you find it enjoyable as well as enlightening about our Noble Quest!
2018 went off very well indeed, We cannot thank all our volunteers and sponsors enough. Without you guys.. it just would not happen! We have much planned for 2019 so please do visit often and keep an eye on our future events page.

‘Holiday of a Lifetime’ provides holidays for underprivileged, deserving children that they would not, in normal circumstances, ever dream of having. The children may be disabled, have special needs or be orphans, from low income families, special schools or children’s homes. Normally they are aged between 10 and 13. They are chosen because it is believed that they will get some special measure of benefit from the holiday.

Our History

The Holiday of a Lifetime scheme was started in Malta in 1962 by members of the RAF Regiment who were also members of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes. When posted to Cyprus in 1964 they continued the scheme from Cyprus. It has come a long way since those early days when the kids slept in tents on the beach and were looked after by the members of the Regiment. It has evolved since it’s very early beginnings and is now totally different and is run by the Cyprus Provincial Grand Lodge of the R.A.O.B. in conjunction with the local social services of the area where the kids come from.
Committee 2022

Gary Dickinson KOM
Chairman 2022

Gary Davis KOM
Treasurer 2022

Ian Stewart
Committee Member 2022

Roy Cordon
Vice Chairman 2022

Nof Pashialis CP
Committee Member 2022

Ross Thomson KOM
Secretary 2022

Kypros Kypri
Grand Lodge Cyprus representative 2022

Neil Tunstall ROH
Life Member and Supporter